Box Turtle with a Muscadine
The Box Turtle Connection is a NC state-level initiative of the Box Turtle Collaborative, a group of biologists and education professionals partnering to improve public understanding of and collect scientific data on populations of Eastern box turtles found in North Carolina.
The Box Turtle Collaborative includes representatives from two universities and four state agencies. The group came together in 2007 and initiated a plan to collect data on Eastern box turtles around the state. The Collaborative trains Project Leaders who in turn organize and direct citizen groups in studies of local turtle populations. The data gathered by these citizen groups is then submitted to a central database, accessible to scientists who study turtles.
- Gather baseline data on population size and structure for the purpose of long-term monitoring
- Engage citizens in scientific data collection
- Study how box turtle populations differ across the state
- Determine the status of box turtles in North Carolina
- Determine factors that limit box turtle populations
The State-Level Box Turtle Web Resource