Our Herp Project Articles and Books


Click here to read The NC Herp Society’s article about NC’s recent adoption of two new state symbols– a salamander and a frog! 

Articles focused on Herpetology Education written by members of The HERP Project

To access the article, click on the title.

Huffling, L.D., Tomasek, T. Matthews, C.E., Benavides, A., Carlone, H.B., & Hegedus, T. (September, 2014) Using mobile devices in fieldscience. The Science Teacher, 81(7), 35-40. Social Media Caption Form

Matthews, C.E., Huffling, L.D., & Benavides, A.W. (2014). Learning by lassoing lizards: The ins and outs of developing a field-based science project. The American Biology Teacher, 76(5), 320-326.

Benavides, A.W., Ash, M.C., Huffling, L., & Matthews, C.E. (2013). Taking Science Education Outdoors with Herpetology (the Study of Reptiles (turtles, snakes, lizards and alligators), and Amphibians (frogs and salamanders): Equity in Action.  Natura, 47-56.

Scott, C. & Matthews, C. (2012). Slithering into summer: Ideas for introducing your students to herpetology. Science and Kids, 49(8), 56-61.

Matthews, C.E. & Tomasek, T. (2011). A home for herps is also a place for people. Children, Youth and Environments 21(1): 228-242.

Scott, C., Tomasek, T. & Matthews, C. (2010). Thinking like a ssssscientistScience & Children, 48(1), 38-42.

Tomasek, T. & Matthews, C. (2008). Using reptile and amphibian activities in your classroom. Science Activities, 44(4), 123 -128.

Tomasek, T. & Matthews, C. Toads give you warts—Not! (2008). Science Activities, 44(4), 129-132.

Tomasek, T., Matthews, C. & Hall, J. (2005).  Whats Slithering Around on Your School Grounds? The American Biology Teacher, 67(7), 419-425.

Matthews, C. & Cook, H. (2004).  Herpetologist transports third-graders to FroglandScience Activities, 41(3), 26–34.

Somers, A., Matthews, C. Bennett, K., Seymour, S. & Rucker, J.  (2003). Outdoor adventures: Tracking eastern box turtlesScience Scope, 27(3), 32–37.

Davidson, C., Matthews, C. & Patrick, P. (2001). Meeting the standards with vanishing frogs. The American Biology Teacher, 63(5), 352–357.

Other Herpetology Books and Articles

The Carolina Herp Atlas: An online, citizen-science approach to document amphibian and reptile occurrences. An article about the HERP Atlas as a citizen science project.

Catawba River Corridor Coverboard Project. An article by Shannon Pittman and Mike Dorcas.

Reptile & Amphibian Websites. Jeff Hall’s list of HERP related projects and info.

Somers, A. & Matthews, C. (2006). The Box Turtle Connection: A Guide to the Natural World. Published by the authors and available online at www.ncparc.org.