
Aaron Kepley asks: “Now tell me again about the story about when you were little and the children’s book that inspired you to play outside?”


“Well, we read this children’s book called Roxaboxen and it was about these kids who made this city of boxes outdoors and we kind of recreated that in the ditch behind our house in the woods. We made these really rudimentary shelters out of branches and piles of leaves and we would always hide in them from each other and I guess play commandos in them. I guess we developed our own little outdoor home. We would throw things at each others’ shelters and see if we could try to knock them down and whoever knocked the other one’s down the fastest would win and we would just, I guess, roll around in the wreckage of the house. Now, while you were building these houses and things, did you ever encounter any wildlife? Oh, yes. My brother loved to play with any of the little creatures that were running around outside. Like any kind of bug or beetle, and he would always try to put them on me and make them crawl on me. I remember that I loved worms the best. Like we would dig everywhere and try to find worms, especially near the pond that was near our house. So that was fun.”

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